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There's still considerable confusion amongst motorists with many trying to gain clarification of the changes often through social media outlets. So let us clarify the new rules surrounding the annual road tax.

Firstly, it's still necessary to tax your vehicle and the DVLA will continue to send you a reminder. Secondly, just as before the changes, you still need to apply for a SORN (Statutory Off Road Notification) if you don't use or keep your vehicle on a public road, for instance if you keep it in a garage, on a drive or on private land

Thirdly, you can continue to use the same methods of payment online and at the Post Office over the counter. There is, however, a new option. You are able to pay by continuous direct debit which means that there should no longer be a risk of driving an untaxed vehicle because you've forgotten to buy your license. That direct debit will continue for as long as there is a valid MOT for the vehicle. In addition, there's also the opportunity to make monthly payments but that does cost you more in the long run.

Just as before the change, you can apply online to tax your vehicle using the 16 digit reference code found on your vehicle tax renewal reminder (V11), or alternatively you can use the 11 digit reference number found on your log book (V5C).

The major change in the new tax rules is that vehicle tax can no longer be transferred with your vehicle when you sell it. From now on since October 1st, once you have notified the DVLA that you have sold the vehicle, you will automatically receive a refund for those full months left on the vehicle tax. This means that whether you purchase a new or used vehicle, you will always have to buy vehicle tax...

This is an excerpt from our full review.
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